In the job hunting process, cracking
the job interview is the heart of the matter. This is when you have to perform
outstandingly in order to impress the interview panel and get the job. We imagine that you have done all the homework and you are standing outside the
interview hall, waiting for your turn to go in. A few things you need to do:
i. Be very observant, don’t be passive, read
up notices. In some interviews, you could be asked to mention one thing you saw
written on the notice board outside.
ii. Be relaxed and calm. After all, being
anxious that you could lose the job only increases your chances of losing it.
iii. Make sure you are attentive and ready at
any time so as not to keep the panel waiting when your name is called.
imagine that your name has been called and you have been asked in.
i. Walk in with a confident and bold look on
your face but without being arrogant.
ii. Keep eye contact with members of the panel
and depending on the set-up, walk up to each of them and give a handshake. If
they are many or seated far from you, you could just give a general formal
verbal greeting.
iii. Sit where you are assigned and sit up
straight with your hands on your lap, your bag by your seat or your file on
your lap.
iv. Be straight to the point when you answer
questions. Don’t be afraid to say you don’t know something or to ask the
interviewer to repeat a question you did not get clearly.
v. Keep eye contact with members of the panel
and don’t be distracted (not even by the panel).
vi. Throughout the interview, be relaxed
regardless of whether you think you are getting things right or not. Smile
often but don’t be stupid by smiling too much.
vii. Keep up with your manners. Be polite
always. Use words like “please”, “excuse me” and “thank you”.
that you are seated, you will be welcomed by the panel and introduced to the
whole interview exercise. Then the questions will follow.
- Can We Meet You?
this question needs you to go straight to the point and within two minutes,
give a brief summary of what is on your CV.
For Example:
I am
Timothy Joshua, a Nigerian, native of Bende village, Oyo North LGA of Oyo State.
I was born on 1st of June 1989 into a family of three children where I am the
first child. I hold a BSc degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Nigeria,
Nsukka. I am a natural leader, a goal-getter, a self-motivated person, etc.
with six years of relevant work experience as an Engineer. I am single
Be as
brief as possible, but make sure you highlight more, a few of your strengths.
- What Do You Know About Us?
question gives you an opportunity to distinguish yourself by convincing the
panel that you know the organization you want to work for. Besides, people love
it when you talk about them so well.
some of the things you have researched about them. Talk more about their
vision, mission, objectives, values, achievements, on-going projects and
products. Avoid talking about what you are not sure of. Speak like someone
already working for them, and focus on their strengths.
- Why Are You Interested In Working For Us?
question wants you to point out the things you know about the organization that
have caught your interest the most. Thus here, talk on two sides: What aspects
of the organization’s work relate to your passions and move you to want to
contribute your best to help her achieve her goals; and in what way, working
for them will help you achieve your personal goals. Be careful not to sound
like you are more interested in what will benefit you.
- What Skills/Experiences Will You Be Bringing To The Job?
answering this question, list some of your strongest qualities (skills and
experiences) which are rare to find, that you think are relevant for the job.
If there are any things you think you can improve on in the organization, don’t
hesitate to mention.
employers fear that they could just be hiring the next person looking for a
means of livelihood. Let them know that you have a major innovation to bring to
their organization and even when they know they will not give you the chance to
bring in such innovations, they will hire you because you are a resourceful
- What Have You Been Doing Since You Graduated?
many interviewers ask this question, but when it comes up, it must be answered
with some caution. The reason why this question is asked in some interviews is
to find out how hardworking, thoughtful and innovative a job aspirant is.
want to know how you have been spending your time productively. This is a
reason why whether you are employed formally or not, you must never be idle.
your hands and brain on something profitable. You could as well be developing
yourself by building on your skills and talents while searching for a job.
These are things the employer expects to hear from you if you have not been on
any formal job.
- Why Did You Quit Your Former Job?
could be a tricky question and so should be answered carefully else you give
the employer reasons to believe that if you are hired, you will soon be looking
for another job. Some good answers are:
1. My job was no longer challenging so I found
my skills and knowledge, wasting.
2. The work conditions of my job were becoming
deplorable daily and the job was getting riskier by the day.
3. I had been on my job for 15 years and
needed a change so I could acquire new skills.
caution here is to make sure you don’t speak negatively about yourself nor your
former employer. If you do, then you will most likely not speak well about your
future employer.
- What Can You Bring To Our Organization?
is kind of a repetition of question 4 above though with a little difference.
Here you only need to emphasize on some of the things you have promised before
to bring into the organization.
Be very optimistic about what you can offer,
but be careful not to look doubtful by sounding like you have the solution to
all the problems they may have. This is a type of positioning error in
marketing called: doubtful positioning. No matter how skillful you are, you can
never have all the answers.
avoid the word “change”. I remember that in the job interview of a friend that landed him in his biggest job, this question was asked and he mentioned that he was going to change
so and so. The interviewer asked him if he wanted to change their organization or
contribute to improve on it. That day, we learned a big lesson and admitted he was wrong.
- How Do You Handle Stress?
could either be how you handle stress or if you can work in a stressful
environment or both. The truth is that all jobs come with their different forms
of stress. It could be from the demands of the job you do, the expectations of
the organization, the people in the organization, the issues of your private
life, and so on.
honest to say that no one loves to work in a stressful environment. However,
stress is a part of our lives and comes up from time to time. So, you can work
under stress but if there is anything that could be done to reduce the stress,
you would rather do it.
As for
how you handle stress, share some of the things you do when you are stressed
up. You can never be wrong in your answer because it is about your methods and
how they work for you.
- What Should We Pay You?
question features almost always. The misconception here with most job aspirants
is that the interviewer wants to use their answer against them, to present a
smaller package than originally was intended for the position. So they go ahead
to call unrealistic figures which only tell the interviewer how unserious they
the interviewer wants more is to know what value you place on yourself. In
other words, if you were the one to pay an employee that is like you, how much
will you pay?
be sincere to value your worth vis-à-vis the value you will be adding to the
organization and how persons with your qualification and potentials are paid
averagely in your geographical area. This will help you give your employer a
range for an answer.
answer this question if you don’t have substantial knowledge of the job you
will be expected to do for the organization at least for a start. Don’t also
tell the interviewer to pay you according to the policy of the organization.
Give a salary range based on your worth and make it clear that you are flexible
to negotiate.
- What Are Some Of Your Major Weaknesses?
the intention of the interviewer is to test how humble you can be to admit you
have weaknesses. Sometimes instead of this question, an interviewer could ask
you to share the worst mistake you have ever made. You will be telling a lie by
saying that you have none.
much as you need to be real to share a weakness of yours that could be related
to the job, you must not be too humble to talk yourself out of the job by
sharing about all of your weaknesses or making yourself look so bad. Share at
most two of your weaknesses and more importantly what you have been doing to
improve in those aspects.
- Why Should We Hire You?
is the last stroke on the camel’s back. Before this question you must have said
a lot already, about yourself. This is the time to go straight to the point and
mention at least three strongest qualities of yours that you know many of your
competitors will not have.
strongest things you can talk about are things centered on your past
experiences, exposure, talent, skill, abilities, etc. that you think are
important for the job you intend to perform for the organization. Mention at
least three and let the interviewer know how confident you are that you are
most suited for the job.
let them know that you know that they are impressed by your performance.
However, be sure you have done your best.
- Are there any questions for us?
often, job aspirants make the mistake of answering this question with a NO,
thinking it shows humility. Rather, this is another opportunity for you to
convince the panel that you know some things about their organization and are
very interested in working for them.
at least one question for them, before the interview but make sure the question
will not entail too much explanation or something any organization will want to
keep private.
You could find out if they have considered a
new product or practice or market or why they do something they do, the way
they do it. This also tells that you know how they operate.
This question is
likely to be the last.
leaving the interview, find out how and when you should expect a feed-back from
them. Thank the panel for their time and leave with the same smile you came in
with. Get home and after a day, send a mail thanking them again for their
interest in you. It could go a long way to further indicate your interest in
working for them.
I hope
that the above attempted answers have shed some light to some of the questions
you will be expected to crack in the job interview.
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