UNIZIK 2014/2015
- Med lab 259
- Med rehab 248.5
- Radiography 262.5
- Medicine 293
- Pharmacy 282
- Nursing 272.5
- Anatomy 237.5
- Physiology 222.5
- Law 254
- Accountancy 240
- Bank Finance 221
- Bus Admin 235
- Cooperative Economics 236
- Marketing 203.5
- Public administration 230.5
- Political Science 240
- Psychology 239
- Mass Communication 245.5
- Sociology 233
- Economics 252.5
- Computer Science 227
- Geology 230.5
- Mathematics 173.5
- Pure and Industrial Chemistry 171
- Physics and Industrial Physics 40 (in post utme)
- Physics and Industrial Physics 170
- Applied Biochemistry 218
- Applied microbiology 213.5
- Statistics 171
- Chemical Engineer 250.5
- Civil Engr 245
- Elect Engr 243.5
- Electronic/Computer Engr 251
- Industrial Prod Engr 210.5
- Mechanical Engr 243
- Material and Met Engr 209
- Polymer 203.5
- Architecture 228
- Building 172
- Environmental Mgt 174
- Estate Mgt 194.5
- Fine and Applied Arts 176.5
- Geo Met 206.5
- Quantity Survey 175
- Survey and Geo 172.5
- Adult Education 209.5
- Economics Education 234
- Political Science Edu 213.5
- Education Mgt & Pol 206.5
- Education Foundation 201.5
- Computer Edu 194.5
- Vocation Edu 196
- Technical Edu 176
- Early Childhood Edu 170
- Guidance and Counselling 205.5
- Library Science 218
- Science Edu 203.5
- Science Edu with biology 210
- Edu Chem 214
- Physics Edu 171.5
- Physical and Health Edu 40 (post utme)
- Integrate Edu 203.5
- Maths Edu 171.5
- Igbo Edu 178
- English Edu 220
- French Edu 171
- English 235.5
- Music 191.5
- Igbo 184.5
- Chinese 40 (post utme)
- History 233.5
- Linguistic 217
- French and modern Euro Lang 192.5
- Philosophy 217
- Religion 212.5
- Theatre arts 229.5
- Agriculture 193.5
- Agric Eco and Extension 195.5
- Food Science 200
- Forestry 187.5
- Botany 190.5
- Parasitology 185
- Zoology 194
- Agric and Bio Resource 172.5
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