Wednesday 31 December 2014

JOB TIPS - How To Prepare For The Job Interview

This article focuses on preparing you for the job interview. This is what people face after they have received that long awaited call to attend an interview in their dream office.

Remember that the job interview offers you the only opportunity to appear before your potential employer and prove yourself competent and fit. You may never have such an opportunity again; so take it very serious and do your best to impress your potential employer. If you do your homework, you stand a greater chance of outperforming your fellow competitors. The following are what you need to do:

1.    Do a Research on the Company

Organizations don’t just want to hire competent persons to fit into their vacant positions. They are also after persons who show beyond doubts, how excited and passionate they are, to work for them. This is because in most cases, it is that passion/excitement that gives birth to commitment of the job, which eventually gives birth to desired results.

You need to convince the interview panel that you are at least interested in what the organization does. One big way to do so is to convince the interview panel that you know where the company is coming from, where it is presently, and where it is going. This has become easier these days as most organizations have websites which could be accessed for information about them.

Get to their website and find out a few things. Find out where they are coming from, where they are going i.e. their vision, mission, goals/objectives, values, what they do, where they have branches, who their customers and competitors are, and so on. If you know someone working for them, don’t hesitate to find out more from him/her. You could even discover something that would make you think again, if you would still want to work for them.

2.    Master Your Curriculum Vitae

A friend attended a job interview and all the questions that were asked were drawn from the information he supplied on his CV. Your Curriculum Vitae is your private advertising media. It is the only medium through which you can market your skills, abilities, competencies, wealth of experience and qualifications, without charge.

A lot of persons are good at brandishing themselves so excellently on their CVs with high sounding words which they have no a mastery of. For example: Your CV says you are a team player and a goal-getter but you don’t fully understand what those terms mean. Do you know the difference between a go-getter and a goal-getter?

As much as possible when preparing your CV, avoid claiming to be what you are not. This will make it easier for you to defend everything written in it. Make sure you understand the meaning of the adjectives you have used in preparing your CV and don’t include anything you cannot defend. If you eventually get the job, you may be called up at one point or the other to defend what you claim to be.

3.    Prepare on How to Answer Job Interview Questions.

As much as job interview questions depend on the type of job you are interviewed for and the type of organization that you are interviewed to work for, there are some standard job interview questions to expect from any serious panel of interviewers.

4.    Refresh Your Academic Knowledge

Very often, your job is not so tied to what you studied in school but at least it is good to refresh your knowledge on what you claim to have studied. This is just in case your interviewer wants to know if you really went to school and acquired the knowledge you claim to have acquired. This will not entail that you go through all your books as if preparing for a standard comprehensive exam. You just need to focus on the basics of the course you studied in school especially the aspects that relate to the job you will be hired to do.

5.    Be Current on Events and Happenings

Current affairs have become an integral part of most of job interviews today in  Nigeria. Nowadays, employers don’t just want to hire those who have what it takes to deliver on the job but those who are also current on trends and events in their environment and more especially in the industry/sector under which their organization is found.

To a reasonable extent, being current on the events in the industry indicates how interested you are in building your career in that industry. For example: A serious job seeker who is seeking to build a career in banking will know at least the major banks in the country, their strengths and weaknesses, some of the products they offer, their performance in the stock market, their market share and so on.

6.    Work on Your Appearance

I was sent to represent my boss/company some time ago in a seminar which top entrepreneurs were invited. As soon as I got there, I met people standing but was offered a seat. I soon discovered that it was because of my appearance. Your appearance communicates far more than you are aware of. It registers a first impression in the mind of your interviewer. Just by your appearance, one can tell how responsible you can be.

You need to know that the moment you become an employee of an organization, you represent that organization wherever you go. Employers know this and want to hire someone who will best represent the organization any day any time.

There is so much to talk about in terms of how to dress for an interview but the long and short of it is to prepare to appear neat, modest, formal and responsible on the day of the interview. This is not always about dressing in suit and tie but about appearing responsible. And so it goes beyond just the clothes you put on to your hair do, make-up and perfume, as well as the look on your face on that day. Try to look elegant and sharp.

7.    Get Straight All Necessary Information

Finally, you need to be sure you have up to date information about the place of the interview, the day, the time and all the requirements. These are usually communicated to you when calling you for the interview. However, if possible, call around the office of the organization to confirm the information, at least two days to the interview.

Recently a friend of mine lost a well-paid job she had gotten just because she was not up to date with the information on when she had to begin work. She went to start work two days after the day she was expected and when she got to the office, the opportunity had been given to another person who initially was not offered the job. Information is power but up to date information is greater power.

Let me end up by saying that on the day of the interview, you must make sure you are at the place of interview at least 30 minutes before the stated time. This will make you look more serious than most of your fellow competitors. No matter what you see or hear, do not panic.

With all the above steps in preparing for your job interview, you are good to go.


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