Thursday 9 October 2014


I write this article after my experience when I lent a Friend a Loan years back and till date has not even mentioned of it. You are probably thinking, “why shouldn’t I help someone in need, especially a FRIEND!” Jesus said, if someone asks you, give (Matt 5:42). This is part of his principles of loving one’s enemies. Notice that Jesus did not say “Lend”, but Give. These are two different things.

Never Lend Out What You Are Not Ready To Loose or Donate.

The reason I am saying this is that this practice spoils relationships more than anything else, especially when people fail to give back the money

If you decided to lend money, do not be surprised if you do not get it back. In-fact, it is better to expect that you will not get it back, sow the money rather than lend it and believe that in due time you will reap a plentiful harvest. If someone asks for #10, 000 and you can only give #1, 000, give the money and explain you can only give that much.

Banks were created for the purpose of loaning money. They have a system to regulate the relationship between the borrower and lender. However, you do not have such a system. So if you lend money to someone and do not get it back, you will not be able to prove anything. 

Even if you take legal action to force repayment and you win the action by presenting a receipt, your money will be returned to you in such small instalments each month that it is doubtful you will ever receive the whole amount back.

Summary: The Act Of Lending, Even To Friends And Relatives, So Often Destroys Wealth, Relationships And Lives……



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